Looking back: autumn samplings 2023
Date of Publication:

The autumn sampling period is over by now. From September to December 2023 our Plastic Pirates made waves all across the continent. School classes and youth groups all over Europe became Plastic Pirates and support scientists, activists and stakeholders in learning more about the pollution at and in European rivers and streams. Their contribution and data will help to better understand the paths and distribution of plastic litter and to effectively implement measures that prevent pollution and protect the environment.

Our Achievements: 197 Samplings!

To facilitate data collection, we've developed an interactive map on our website. Thus far, we've recorded 197 samplings during the autumn sampling period on our map. We're particularly proud to highlight the remarkable achievement from Lithuania, with 52 samplings. Truly amazing! Check out our interactive map for more details.

We want to say thank you to everybody who supported the Plastic Pirates initiative last year and we are looking forward to the spring sampling period.

Are you with us? Come aboard and let’s combat plastic pollution together! More information on how to participate you can find here.