At the Plastic Pirates – Go Europe! Summit on 5-6 November 2024 in Brussels young Plastic Pirates ambassadors, researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders will review the results of the Plastic Pirates and discuss the bigger picture of engaging young Europeans in the fight against plastic pollution and the benefits of science for our daily lives.

Plastic Pirates – Go Europe! is one of the largest Horizon Europe citizen science projects. It contributes to the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” and is part of the ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024, Action 14, “Bringing Science closer to Citizens”. Since June 2022, the initiative has expanded to 13 European countries and has engaged more than 8,000 school children as citizen scientists in the fight against plastic pollution in Europe’s rivers and oceans. At over 130 rivers, waterways, and coastal areas, valuable data on waste pollution has been gathered, with a particular focus on macroplastics and microplastics.

At the Summit, we want to hear the ideas, experiences, opinions and visions of the most important stakeholders of all in the project: the young citizen scientists. We want to make their voices to be heard and taken seriously.

This is where you come in. Become a sponsor!

We are looking for sponsors to enable young Plastic Pirates ambassadors from across Europe to attend the two-day Summit. The sponsor would agree to cover the travel and accommodation costs for one young adult and their teacher / supervisor. The estimated costs for one young adult plus accompanying person are approximately 1,000 Euros. Of course, every sponsor will be cordially invited to take part in the Summit.

Why your support matters

  1. Empowering the next generation: By becoming a sponsor of a young Plastic Pirates ambassador, you are investing in the future leaders of environmental science and activism.
  2. Creating impactful change: Your support will enable young voices to be heard at a key European conference, helping to shape policies and actions in the fight against plastic pollution.
  3. Fostering global collaboration: Participation in the Summit fosters collaboration between young adults, teachers, policy makers and researchers contributing to a collective effort to protect our oceans and waterways.
  4. Being part of a meaningful movement: Your sponsorship is not just a financial contribution; it’s a commitment to a cause that values public and scientific engagement and environmental stewardship.

If you are interested in supporting the participation of young Plastic Pirates ambassadors from one or more countries at the Plastic Pirates – Go Europe! Summit 2024, please contact us at Thank you very much.